Lazy U Quarter Horses is a family owned and operated business raising and training quality horses near Hershey, Nebraska. Whether your next horse is used for daily ranching or for recreation, we have the horse for you!
Our focus at Lazy U Quarter Horses is on geldings and riders that are 5-10 years old, broke, gentle and ready for work. Due to the diversity of our operations, horses are saddled and ridden every day of the year. The vast majority of our horses are born here, raised in big pastures and see cattle every day. Because our work is done horseback, smart, dependable and athletic horses are vital to our success and it doesn’t hurt when they’re pretty too! The mares we run have proven themselves over time and have an impressive set of well-bred colts. We are proud of the bloodlines represented.
The greatest joy in our operation at Lazy U Quarter Horses are the relationships made and watching the pleasure these horses bring to their new owners! Contact us any time to talk horses.